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Stórchiste - Teasáras Aibítreach na Gaeilge: An Alphabetic Thesaurus of Irish

Irish Thesaurus

Nicholas Williams

First edition, 2023. Dundee: Evertype. ISBN 978-1-78201-312-9.

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Is céim an stórchiste seo chun bearna i bhfoclóireacht na Gaeilge a líonadh. Foilsíodh níos mó na stórchiste Gaeilge amháin roimhe seo ach níl ceann ar bith acu chomh cuimsitheach leis an leabhar thíos. Ina theannta sin is de réir téama a leagadh amach na stórchistí eile atá le fáil cheana féin, ach is in ord aibitre a liostaítear na focail sa saothar seo, rud a éascaíonn go mór a úsáid don té atá ag baint feidhme as. Taobh istigh de gach iontáil is in ord aibítre a thugtar na focail; ach dealaítear cialla éagsúla go minic trí sraitheanna aibítreacha iomadúla.   This thesaurus seeks to fill a gap in Irish lexicography. More than one Irish language thesaurus has been published before now. None, however, is as comprehensive as the present work. Moreover previous thesauri have been compiled thematically. In this work words are arranged in alphabetical order, a feature which will greatly facilitate use of the book. Within an entry words are ordered alphabetically, though different senses are also often distinguished with multiple alphabetic runs.
I gcorp an leabhair seo tugtar ceannfhocal, roinn chainte, agus gluais Bhéarla le socrú brí ghinearálta an fhocail faoi leith. Tugtar lipéid i mBéarla freisin chun úsáid na bhfocal éagsúil a thagann ina ndiaidh a shoiléiriú. Is beag nach bhfuil 12,000 iontráil i bhfoirm alt sa stórchiste. Tá thart ar 44,000 d’fhocail no de leagan­acha in úsáid sna hiontrálacha sin. Tá 118 bosca eolais sa leabhar agus iontu sin feicfear liostaí de théarmaí a bhaineann lena chéile taobh istigh den aon réimse céille amháin. Is beag nach bhfuil 11,000 leagan faoi leith sna hiontrálacha úd.   The structure of entries gives headword, part of speech, and a gloss in English that helps to establish the semantic domain for the words which follow. A number of register labels are given to help specify the usage of the words which follow them. The number of entries appearing as paragraphs in the thesaurus is nearly 12,000. A total number of nearly 44,000 distinct words or phrases is used within these entries. There are 118 boscaí eolais which are largely lists of associated terms within a broad semantic domain. A total number of nearly 11,000 distinct items is used within these entries.

bailiúchán noun ➊ collection: cnuasach, deascán, díolaim, foirisiún, glac, meall, moll, tacar, teaglaim, tiomsú, tiomargadh. ➋ collection of things: burla, carn, carnán, ciste, crobhaing, cruach, maoiseog, stór, tacar, taisce, triopall. ➌ collection of people: baicle, béinne, buíon, bunadh, cipe, cóip, comhlacht, comóradh, comhthionól, conlán, criú, cruinniú, cuallacht, cumann, cuideachta, dream drong, feadhain, foireann, fracht, gasra, grúpa, meitheal, muintir, paca, plód, pobal, rang, scaoth, scata, scuaine, síolrach, sliocht, slógadh, slua, teaglaim slua, tionól, tóstal, literary cuain. ➍ collection of writing(s): cnuasach, díolaim, duanaire, gluais, foclóir, foclóirín, stórchiste.

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